अरुण जेटली  और अमित शाह एक सुर में गाते
कभी धर्म कभी आस्था पर निर्लज्जता से जनता को उकसाते
जो कर रहे माहिलाओं का निरादार उनको भक्त बताते
हाजी अली भूल मंदिर मुद्दे पर वोटों की रोटी सेके जाते ..


Hindi |


If someone argues or makes fun of you,
Don't Mind it,
because it is the law of nature
that the tree which bears the sweetest fruits
gets the maximum number of stones.



Laugh like u hv never cried,
play like u hv never lost,
love like u hv never been hurt,
& live like u hv no tomorrow.



If your dog is fat,
you aren’t getting enough exercise.


English |

ज़मींदोश होने के लिए खड़ा है आदमी
ख़ुद से ही अनजान बना है आदमी
सतरंगी रौशनी को छूने की चाहत में
मिट्टी के खिलौनों से खेलना भूल गया है आदमी ..


Hindi |


A Mechanic was removing some engine parts
from a bike when he saw a Heart Surgeon in his shop.
He called the Surgeon and said:
Look at this engine.
I opend its Heart , took the valves out,
repaired and put them back.
So why do I get such a small salary and
you get such a huge sum.?
The Doctor smiled at the Mechanic and
came close to his ear and said:
Try the same thing when the engine is runing..


English |

If you find yourself constantly trying to
prove your worth to someone,
you have already forgotten your value..


English |

ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਲੋਕੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਘਰ ਖੁਸ਼ੀਆਂ ਲੈਣ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਸੀ
ਪਰ ਹੁਣ
ਸੈਲਫੀਆਂ ..


Punjabi |

B-egin your day with
L-ove in ur heart
E-xpect blessings
S-hare goodness
S-hine like the sun
I-nspire someone
N-ever forget that
G-od is with you all the time



Even on the most exalted throne in the world
we are only sitting on our own bottom.  - Michel de Montaigne


English |

Parents always teach their kids not to talk to strangers.
But the funny thing is that they strictly support arranged marriage ..


English |

Everybody deserves second chances,
but not for the same mistakes.


English |

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